Job Seekers

Job seeking can be exhausting. We’ve got you.

  • It’s a candidate’s market – but you need to know the specifics of each company you apply with – and that can be daunting.
  • You need someone in your corner who is paying attention and knows how to navigate.
  • Say goodbye to submitting dozens of online apps and feeling invisible.
  • We only work with highly qualified candidates – and only if we think we can help – saving you time and money.

“While on the job market, worked with Richeal on several possible good fits. She is a true people person and helped me break into the world of working with recruiting professionals. Thanks for all your help and support. Highly recommend.”


To set you up for success…

We research the best employers for your skills and experience

We plug in to our huge network of employers and contacts to make strong connections

We match you with companies that are looking for what you have to offer

“Raine is a very dedicated and result focused recruiter. She uses her wide connections well and treats job candidates with respect, which will make her a great asset to any company she works for.”


To get you ready…

  • We meet with you via phone and in person to get to know you, your experience, and your employment goals.
  • You get individualized insight and guidance on how to frame your skills and what the potential employer wants to see from you.

Open Job Postings:


We can guide you through a successful search to land the job you love